09 July 2008

Brooms and Stones and Zamboni's...

Oh My!

Cubie and I signed up for a curling class in a couple of weeks.

I am beyond excited and assumed everyone else would be as well. I mean, we are talking about curling here. As it turns out...most people kinda rolled their eyes or openly laughed at me.

Sadness. How can they not appreciate the majesty of the broom?

I am hoping that i turn out to be some kind of curling savant...if not, I hope to have a good time.

The other very exciting news is that I am finally taking a Zamboni class. On August 2nd I am going to plop down my cash, take a quick two hour class, and drive myself some zamboni!

Don't be jealous...i will still talk to you after it is all over.

Peaches and Tweets


Lady Blogpants said...

Oh man, I love curling! I hope you're a curling savant too. Maybe you could be a curling hustler.

Anonymous said...

She finally gets to drive the Zamboni!! There'd better be pictures ...