Also, i have a new listography account too. Q turned me onto this by way of the listography book. Fun Stuff. Who know how often i will update but I will post links on the right there. on to the post...
The family and I were in Tucson with hours to kill so we headed out to the Biosphere 2. The guy giving the tour was named Claudio. He was the same guy who did my tour several years ago when I was doing research in Arizona. At that time, i happened to tour with a tv crew from Phoenix. He was very good.
This time, however, it was just us regular folks...he was not so nice. I could go on and on about Angry Claudio but why when others have come before me...

Here, Claudio seems to be saying, "Can you hear me? Am I boring you? Come closer to Claudio and I will tell you how I saved the biospherians' lives. What? You heard what? No, no you have been misinformed!"
I am home now...for at least a week. Who wants to go to a Rage-Bees Game?
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