Happy St. Paddys Day and to good old Thunderpussy, Happy Birthday.
It is pretty early in the day for a blog, what with me actually being a "good employee" now. Today however, I have nothing to do until the four people who love to waste my time, get into the office/on the computer, and get me what I have been waiting for since last thursday. What a drag....
Thought it would be a good chance to update the old blog-o-rama. I have a buncha things I have wanted to share but havent really had the time so lucky, or unlucky you, as the case may be...
I am not sure if i have ever posted this before but this is, perhaps sadly, one of my most favorite things in all the world...

I say god-cuz-damn!
Q and I are off to SF this week to enjoy the city and see the family.
It is Q's first time in the city of brotherly love, oh wait that is philly...the city of rice-a-roni, um no...lets just call it 'the city,' like Tick would.
Anyway...we are going to do the total tourist thing to get in as much as we can in between bbq's and awkward politico chat. Some highlights...

Which is how it looked the first time I saw it...

Maybe they will be having the crazy waiter race where they run down Lombard with trays of drinks...

I was almost hit by a car right here...

The building on the point has the best arcade museum ever inside, we'll bring lotsa quarters
and, god willing

men in drag...ah, the castro.
Photos will be forthcoming...
Recently I attended the Arapahoe County Assembly and Convention. I was an Obama alternate from my precinct (word) and i took notes. (If you get a chance, listen to
Freak Power's 'No Way' while reading, it adds to the overall feeling.) Here's a sampling...
8am Holy crap there are a lot of people here. What the hell did i get myself into?
8:37 I got moved to the front of the line, signed in with my House District and am sitting here on bleachers...in the alternate holding pen. Christ, it says they dont call us until 10:15. Why the f*^@ didnt i bring a book?
9:35 Damn, i am getting bleacher butt. They seem to be setting up speakers and a mike, hopefully for announcements and not for sing alongs or something horrific like that. Did i mention my ass hurts?
9:50 In colorado on super tuesday there were 120,000 caucusers...compared to 50,000 in 2004.
10:25 My house district is the largest in the state...also, never elected a Dem to CO General Assembly...
11:05 Ken Salazar...who wants to guess if he has a cowboy hat on?
11:45 Holy crap, they called my name...what loser didnt show up?
12:10pm Notice the time it has taken me from being excited to realizing this is the stupidest thing I have ever done? At least 15min of that was filling out a paper and getting my new delegate tag on. No one seems to know what is happening, including myself
12:30 I have made my way into the audiotorium where the regular delegates are voting on amendments to the Arapahoe County Platform. Ooooh damn I missed my chance to complain about key parts I am too embarrassed to even mention.
12:40 there are no moderates here...no middle of the road conservatives...just me and thousands of people that give progressives a bad name. Ed Perlmutter is speaking, quoting
George Washington's 1796 Farewell Address. Did you know that Washington was 6'20" fucking killing for fun? That's a fact, I have a baccalaureate in history ya know...
1:10 Finally, our HD's Obama/Clinton breakdown----65%/35%
2:30 I think we are done, just one last thing 'Who wants to be a State or Congressional Delegate?' exit bird stage left...
Anyone who knows Bird, knows i have always had a strange desire to serve on a jury. I think I am the only person who is desperate to receive a jury summons, which is probably the same reason i have never been mailed one.
Well, pops called several weeks ago with a jury summons, which was sent to an address I havent used since high school. The summons was then sent to him in Tucson. Um, so...yeah.
Bizarre circumstances aside, a Jury Summons! I went at the required date and time and took notes...here's a bit...
8:20am I just filled out my juror questionaire. I hope i get called as I havent been in a court house since a field trip in high school...oh, and that one time I killed a man in Reno-just to watch him die (Thanks Johnny Cash!).
8:30 Some old broad just hit me in the head with a clipboard while she was scooting in to her seat. Haha, WTF lady? Jesus, that was like a comedy routine. Reminds me of the time I accidently knocked christ crackers all over the place in church as a child.
8:50 Oh crap...it is a five day criminal trial. Hmm well...
9:10 Judge Sylvester of the 18th Judicial District is breaking down the retention of Judges for us. Very interesting...a committee of folks gets surveys from all kinds of people who have dealt with a judge. Do extensive interviews with the judges themselves as well as other court people. Make a decision and inform the judge if they are recommended to be retained or not. Since they know in advance if they will be recommended not to retain many retire so that it doesnt go out to the public and personal friends/family. Which is why you rarely see recommendations to remove judges. Interesting...
9:30 oh, we get to watch a movie about jurors...i hope it isnt Runaway Jury--blech.
9:50 They are assigning us juror numbers (Bird is #53 of 110) and while calling names i heard William JohnCock...toastin. Holy crap i laughed out loud. "5'10", 6'2" with the afro..."
12:00pm I got pulled up to the courtroom. Listening to all the questions....do you know any police officers, do you know this guy, how about him? What about me? I know no one...i know nothing. sadly, I am too far back to be called. Sigh, what can you do.
~I didnt get chosen, which-given the length of the trial-is probably a blessing. Hopefully now that my name is in the pool i will get called more often...
And, finally- just this weekend
Beck tried to destroy my ipod. The problem isnt fixed yet, though Q-who's a trooper for putting up with me being grumpy about it--is working on it. Sigh, sadness.
Okay...i think work just landed on my desk.
Happy snowy monday...