Besides the Roberts flub, that was a pretty good inauguration, eh? Things i liked best, Aretha's hat and Rev. Joseph Lowery's benediciton. Even I, the nonbeliever, said Amen to that.
Also, i liked the new Prez's inaugural address. Some may say there weren't enough, "The only thing we have to fear..." kind of lines in it but I dont think that matters too much. Some say that it wasn't focused enough but i would disagree with them. I think it set just the right tone for the new administration. Strong and resolute. I am looking forward to seeing how it all shakes out.
And now here, for your viewing pleasure, is my favorite photo taken during the big event...
The redcoats are lurking! The redcoats are lurking!
(I know he's not a redcoat)
You know that guy is taking a piss, right?
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