Now...I have no digital camera (would love one however, and my birthday is coming up just so you know) so I have only uploaded phone photos for now. When my film photos arrive I shall scan and post them as well. For now, you shall have to make do.
First off...
My Feet!! How great are my feet eh? I love them the best. I painted them orange just for the trip.

Okay, Q and I spent some time in Albuquerque with his pal MD. MD and Q went to highschool together. Here they are in front of a pizza place, Q is on the right.

We also visited the Atomic Museum where i took this photo of a rocket. It was a nice little place, near the plaza and i suggest going.

Next~ the Very Large Array. I had been to the VLA about a year ago but had little time to stop and visit. I cant even tell you how amazing it is. The antennas are just ginormous. You can get up close to one and i spent about 20min just watching it move. This is gonna cast me as a complete geek but it was one of the coolest things I have seen. I think at one point i said I wanted to mount the antenna. I didnt, but only because I didnt want to get arrested. No camera photos of the VLA, but here is a snapshot i took in Feb. 2005.

Spent the night in Socorro, New Mexico. There, I hit Q in the face with a piece of meringue.

Actually, as we discussed, it is important that he gets the credit for this. I asked if I could throw it at him and he said yes. Can you believe that? However, Q's face is made of teflon and it bounced right off. My face is made of glue though because when he threw it back at me, it stuck...nice shot Q. We were soon asked to leave.
This brought us to Saturday, April 1st. The day when the Trinity Site is open to the public. One of only two days a year. Sadly, i left my phone in the car this day so i, as of yet, have no photos of the site. Bummer indeed. However, I can tell you of stories of crazy people who, despite many many warnings about picking stuff up off the ground, were seen walking around picking stuff up off the ground. I can tell you of people who, despite warnings about eating at the trinity site felt it necessary to stand as close as possible to Q while eating Round Puff Cheetos directly from the can. I can tell you of a crazy old man who told us that the radiation was mostly harmless and proceeded to lick what looked like a ball gag witb his liverspotty old tongue. Q has a photo of this and I can hardly wait to see it.
Sadly, until I get my film, this photo of a car shall have to do.

On to Alamogordo where I ate my first Blakes Lotaburger. Blakes has the best catch phrase ever...

Indeed. While in Alamogordo we stayed at the Satellite Inn. A nice place. Those rings light up different colors at night. It was very 60's.

Stopped at the Imax/Planetarium the first night to see a film, Magnificent Desolation: Walking On the Moon and check out a brief little star show. All in all, very nice. After the movie they were having a special talk and viewing of a movie called, Nukes In Space: The Rainbow Bombs. After being scolded for not having a ticket by some woman (B: but you have two tickets left, W: "yes, but you need a ticket" B: Okay, you have two tickets left right? W: "Yes but you need a ticket") we sat down, listened to the brief description of the story (nukes in space pretty much sums it up) and then got ready for the showing of the film. Things started out okay. Picture looked great...but then...what is that I hear? YES, only the background music can be heard. Have you ever watched a film with just the background music? I wouldnt recommened it. I spent a good deal of time making up dialogue in my head. "Oh, look at my rocket. Would you like to touch my rocket? See how long and straight my rocket is?" Needless to say, we left in the middle of the film.
The next morning we hit the Space History Museum where there were more rocket photos:

And a plaque of my favorite astronaut; Alan B Shepard Jr.

and favorite cosmonaut; Yuri Gagarin

Well...After Spending three days completely geeking out it was time for slacking. Off to Roswell. Home of, CORN DOG SEVEN!! Oh yumm...

These are some massive corn dogs. The biggest I have ever seen. They were very good...for corndogs that is. Those short squat thingys on the right are chunks of cheese dipped in corndog batter and fried. My heart exploded with one bite...(but it kinda looks like a colon explosion, if ya know what I mean)

Roswell is not just famous for their corndogs. Oh no...they are also known as the town that completely sold their soul for the almighty dollar!

Honestly, I have never seen a town go so overboard with a theme. I cant imagine how it must feel to be an old timer from Roswell, you know...pre-crazy alien stories.
There are many more exciting vacation stories, like the two birds I almost killed (on accident on accident!) and my continuing mispronunciation of Ruidoso. Alas, those shall have to wait for another day.
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