07 November 2006

Voting "... the instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country." Ambrose Bierce

As promised...

6:45am So Sleepy...Q and I leave to go stand in line at the school...

6:56am Q mocks me...

7:01am Q and I arrive and get in line. I cant see the end which I can only assume is a bad thing. See, I am supposed to be at this fancy training class in one hour. After the class Q and I have a hockey game so...

7:05am Dumbass suit guy is trying to drop off his absentee ballot here. Q lectures me on being positive and nice. Q thinks what I am doing (taking notes) is illegal. "I think quoting me is illegal by the way..." Hmm...i suppose we shall see.

7:10am Q admits that he ditches most of the morning on election day. That's America Baby! "I never said I ditched, I simply recommended a solution to other slackers," he writes in very nice penmanship.

7:13 Oh man, i am in the short line!

7:16am...and I'm done. That is record time! I only got hung up on one question. Recall deadlines....

7:20am Waiting for Q. Nothing makes you feel more patriotic on voting day then listening to some womans cell phone blare "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid.

7:26am Q screams, precinct 311 in the Hiz-Ouse!

7:30am I am off to work...


Not to exciting but what can you say, voting in america is easy compared to other countries. Hope yours went well too...

Tomorrow, Election Results!!


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