02 June 2008

Oh. My. God.

Finally...jesus christ. It has taken so long for me to get online. Here is my first dispatch.

It is hot. I am dirty. My back is all wanky. My hair feels so soft. Everyone here is insane.


I am hoping to come home early.

nice goodbye's for McGuckin.

Also, this morning i saw a dog humping another dog's face. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen and i nearly crashed the rental into a post laughing.

If that is the highlight of the trip you can imagine the lows...

I heard that the mayor of Eagle Pass is the only one in town who is really against the border fence. Word on the street (border patrol agents) is that he is in cahoots with the Mex. folks across the river. No idea what that specifically means. The political hot spots in town are the Cactus Restaurant (good lunch!) and the Golf Course Pro Shop. Strange. We were given a stack of "No Border Wall" bumper stickers by one of the Mayor's pals while leaving work at Fort Duncan. I guess most people think that because we are interested in preserving the past that we are actively working towards stopping the fence from going up. Sadly, as most archaeologists know all too well, we cant stop development...maybe just slow it down a bit.

So far the big find is two military uniform buttons. If anyone knows something about buttons let me know eh?

Back to work...

Peaches and Tweets~

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