18 December 2006


****I have been trying to think of the other word that I had never heard but once i did, couldnt get away from...reconnoiter. Thank you 9/11 commission report!*****

Howdy Folks...

As you may have noticed I updated my photo. This one is more recent and I think that I look pretty good, but I am biased i suppose.

Stumbling across this picture made me think of the time I first heard the phrase "Catbird Seat." My friend said something like, "Oh you're in the catbird seat!" I honestly thought he was out of his mind. We had a nice long argument about whether it was a real phrase. Of course, as is usually the case, i was proven wrong and stubborn and as the heavens would have it, after the argument, i saw the phrase everywhere. Honestly, i must have read it 15 times in the next couple of weeks. What the hell is that about I wonder?

Anyway...what else can i share? Oh this...

I had an interview at this building today. Haha...good times. This video was taken last summer but sakes alive it is good stuff. Just so you dont think I am a complete jerk, no one was hurt...

Happy monday night/tuesday morning to you good people...

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