03 August 2007


I hate not being able to sleep...

Does anyone have some surefire ways to fall asleep? Dont give me the bottle of booze...I've done enough of that kind of sleeping. Also, i refuse to drink warm milk. Hell, these days I barely drink it at all.

Hmm...i sound like a picky patient eh?

Please help and i will mail you a special gift...


Anonymous said...

I'll do anything for a special gift! The only thing that works for me when I'm not sleeping well is exercising a bunch in the afternoon. My mom swears by the Weather Channel.

Bird said...

I have done the exercising thing which totally works. The problem is, if I didnt exercise in the afternoon and that night I cant sleep, then I am screwed. The weather channel is supremely boring so that might work. I will just have to avoid those scary ass tornado stories. Yikes!

Which Mary is this so I can send a "special" gift?