08 February 2009

Aloha oe, aloha oe...

Here I am, trapped at the San Francisco Airport. My co-worker, also traveling to the Pineapple state...oh wait Aloha State...is right now on his way there. He was smart and flew through LA. I was dumb and landed in the fog half and hour after my flight left.

C'est la Vie.

At least that gives me time to blog and eat a crappy burger at some airport restaurant.

And before all the comments are filled up with, "you get to go to Hawaii for work?! Lucky!" Let me just remind you of all the time i have dispatched from Ely, Nevada. El Paso, McAllen and Del Rio Texas, Casper Wyoming....

I have had my fair share of shitty work venues and even the sun shines on a dogs ass now and then right?


My flight doesnt leave for two more hours but sadly I have nothing interesting to say. I want to blog about the new Native American inadvertent discovery protocol for Colorado but left the literature at home. Darwin Day is the 12th so expect a blog about that later this week.

Oh i can report this...i just paid 28 bucks for two sam adams and a burger. The beers were probably made by the original Sam Adams since they cost 6.30 a piece. Ah, the airport.

I do love the airport though. All different kinds of people coming and going. I witnessed a tearful goodbye between a soldier and his wife, parents and small child. I witnessed a frantic dash to a gate to make a last minute flight. I witnessed a toddler, two rows in front of me, scream the entire way to San Francisco.

Just now I witnessed the worst pair of boots I have ever seen. Yikes.

Alright folks. I am off to wait at my gate. I will write more this week....

*ding* Flight Attendents Please Prepare for Departure.

PS Q- I always do...


Giggly Bits said...
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Giggly Bits said...

I see now what that meant.

But I still don't know why you guys can't go anywhere without drink booze. It's like it's a fucking DNA thing or some shit.

Anonymous said...

Geeze, you get to go to Hawaii for work? Lucky!

Don't forget to hit Teddy's Bigger Burgers while you're out there. The best burger EVER.

No, I am not exaggerating.