"Controversy erupts at women's World Cup as the Chinese team is accused of spying on other teams. Chinese team coach Chen-Ming Belichick angrily denies the accusations"
"Attendance at Marlins/Nationals game barely surpasses number of Spartans at Thermopylae"
"The 10 worst team names in sports. Surprisingly, the Butte Pirates are only No. 2"
"Put out a APB for a white male riding a bike, carrying a giant white teddy bear... oh wait, there he is"
"The federal government estimates it will cost $100 billion to deport all illegal immigrants. A bunch of Mexicans at the 7-11 around the corner say they'll do it for $500 cash"
"Hey Texas. SURPRISE -- I'm a hurricane. Love, Humberto"
And this; the best photo ever...

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