I am looking forward to 2008 if only because I like to write 8's. Some may say this is a silly reason and to them I would say, stfu and leave me be.
He who shall be unnamed is going to the winter classic tomorrow. Lucky...
What a fun event I hope the sabers win for my friend but I must say that I may root for the penguins just because of their sweet jersey...

Yes, that's right I would like a jersey shipped to my house...how thoughtful of you.
I kind of hate new years because I feel that there is so much pressure to do something, be somewhere, and make out with someone at the stroke of midnight (no wiener jokes Q). It is almost as bad as Valentines Day but at least on new years eve you dont need to explain why you got so drunk and wet yourself.
Last October i bought a Balloon Fiesta calendar while in NM for said event. It was the only bright spot in an otherwise shitty vacation and I am excited that tomorrow I will actually start using it. And by using it I mean sitting around when I am supposed to be working and looking at the nifty balloons. See...

"Why do you like hot air balloons so much Bird?" you might ask yourself. I dont know my friend, I dont know.
Happy happy new year to you all and drive safe or call a cab.
peaches and tweets...B
I won't be kissing anyone at midnight--that's why this holiday SUCKS! ;)
Seriously, I'm going to sleep at 9:30, like a little old lady.
Thank God 2008 is finally freakin' here.
If it makes you feel better I didnt kiss anyone at midnight either. A too many holiday festive spirits...
...and she's not talking about me when it comes to the festive spirits...
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