That's right, the strangest and most entertaining event of the holiday season...
Tuba Christmas.
Damn Texas and its warm weather! It lulled me into a state of unawares and I spaced it.
Oh how can I go on?!
Does anyone out there play the tuba and maybe is willing to come to my house and serenade me with xmas music? There's a cup of scalding hot cocco in it for ya...
Once upon a time I used to play the baritone, which is kinda like Tuba Lite...
You're hired Anon. baritones are neato and once I tried to learn one but then my stupid band teacher told me I couldnt. Do you happen to know where I live? Great, I will see you here this weekend!
Shit! I meant to ask you about Tuba Christmas at the Avs and forgot! When was it?
December 9th...very sad indeed. But did you see that Anon is going to be playing the Tuba Lite? Yes, I dont need no damn 100+ tubas when I have him/her busting out jiggle bells while i get a little drunk on my homemade mulled wine (which is just wine I warm up and throw a stick of cinnamon in...
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