07 December 2007

Can I be Frank?

I dont mind saying that now, back from Texas, I dont have any desire to actually deal with the data we gathered while down there. I am ready to shove it all in a folder and move on to something else....sadly, my boss has other ideas.

For those of you in love with the Texas Waffles you can buy your very own at www.texaswafflemaker.com. I am currently planning my own line of waffle makers tentatively named, "Waffles of the World." I swear to god if you steal my idea I will kill you and make waffles with your insides. Do Not fuck with me in this season of cheer and general merry-making.

I have to say, I am not tapping into the christmas feeling. I listened to some holiday music yesterday in an attempt to get into the spirit but only succeeded in getting Wonderful Christmastime stuck in my head. Oh McCartney, why do you curse me so?!


Anonymous said...

I saw this a few days ago and thought of you: http://www.esquire.com/features/man-at-his-best/christmastime1207?click=pp

Hope it helps.

Bird said...

Thanks pat....those are actually excellent ideas and I was able to rid myself of jingle bells this evening with number 2