In The God Delusion, Dawkins explains how far the Zeitgeist has shifted by providing a list of dates when women were granted the right to vote. His point is that, today the idea of women not being qualified to vote is crazy, but that it really wasnt very long ago that it was par for the course.
Everyone knows that women in the US were given the right to vote in 1920, probably from School House Rock.
What i didnt know until tonight is this:
New Zealand 1893
Australia 1902
Finland 1906
Norway 1913
United States 1920
Britain 1928
France 1945(!?)
Belgium 1946(WTF)
Switzerland 1971(ZOMG)
Kuwait 2006
So, you have to ask yourself, what's your freaking deal Switzerland? 1971? You have got to be kidding me. Why in the hell did you wait so long? Were you too busy making swatches and chocolate? Honestly, it kinda makes me sick.
And France...for a county that is pretty hard on the U.S. for our not so liberal ways (often correctly), you dont really have a lot of room to be snobby. 1945 huh? I am sure you were still cleaning up from WWII and all but come on.
Big congrats to the Kiwi's, by the by.
Later this week I will have a longer post about the American Women's Suffrage movement. Until then, early voting in Colorado starts Monday, October 20th and runs through Friday, October 31st. You can check for early voting locations here.
~Happy Voting

Couldn't readily find info on early voting centers at the link you provided. I did however find the info here:
Couldn't readily find info on early voting centers at the link you provided. I did however find the info here:
Thanks for the link to Denver early voting Anon. The link I provided will take you to websites for each county clerk where you can find out about voting locations in your county.
sweet army knives, though
Yeep, plus that whole Swiss Bank thing and Ricola cough drops and their flag is nice.
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