As you may have read last week, I voted on thursday and since I was denied a voting sticker i made my own sign as promised.

It isnt nearly as nice and pretty as the official voting sticker but at least it is something i can wear with semi-pride.
If you need further impetus to vote, my pal Sprat and hubby received a free coffee and doughnut for dropping off their mail in ballots, so check locally to see if you can score some free schwag too.
I will be updating the blog all day long with political randomness. It wont be regular so check back whenever you can and until then...Happy Voting!
****** 1:30pm
Bird the shovelbum says "McCain Eats Babies" but I am not going to tell you why I think that. I am just going to make a ridiculous statement and expect you to go out and discover the truth. Yes, that's right...the burden of proof is on you. Thank god for Shepard Smith...
****** 2:30pm
Remember what i said about free schwag? I am not sure you can beat free sex toys! Happy ending no matter who wins for folks in New York or Seattle.
****** 5:30pm
Polls have closed in the east and Obama has won Vermont with 0% of precincts reporting (dont ask) and McCain has won Kentucky with 13% reporting. AYYAYYAYY!!
I will be checking out various television stations as well as and for my election news. More at ya later...
****** 9:00pm
The dems I wanted to win in my county are losing, by a rather large margin which is a little disappointing. Udall, our new Senator won. Musgrave, whom I detest, lost which is very nice. Coffman won, beating out the Dem Hank Eng. Mollie Cullom is losing to David Balmer. Mollie is so great and I hope that she can pull out a win.
The good news is that Obama, while not called on the major networks is up by a rather large margin. Colorado finally going blue...will wonders never cease. Also, 75% of the state is smart enough to see through Amendment 48.
And this just in...Virginia called for Obama. Big congrats to the Doc, i know he is happy tonight.
****** 9:02pm
Wow, that was fast, Obama just won with the polls in the west closing.
Pretty fucking exciting.
****** 9:14pm
No one cares and no one on CNN even mentioned it but Colorado went blue! I am so happy for our state. Chuck Todd said nice things about CO earlier, and we like Chuck Todd.
HC-for Local election results check here
****** 10:24pm
I am having a hard time wrapping my head around this. Obama won...
I am sure it will sink in soon probably when i wake up tomorrow. As i was listening to his acceptance speech I was thinking two things. One, i look forward to more speeches like that..and not cringing at every state of the union. Two, Arapahoe county voted Democratic for the first time in...who the hell knows how long. I am happy about that and look forward for a breakdown so i can see how my precinct went.
Vote Quimby!
I can't find a tally of our amendments. Where did you find it? The Camera doesn't have squat.
You are very welcome!
The Doc is very, very happy.
And I am happy for you doc
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